Each year, thousands of children and teens in Baltic and also Nordic countries experience divorce or separation of their parents. The process or separation is challenging life transition for children and teens. During a divorce, they often feel a variety of conflicting emotions. Anger, sadness, worry, confusion, guilt, embarrassment, loneliness and nervousness – these are all common emotions that these children or teens experience when their parents’ divorce or separate. Besides, they have sleeping problems, decreased self-esteem as well as difficulty in school work and other activities. As a result, all these troubles can be manifested as withdrawn or aggressive behaviour. The pupils, who have experienced the explained above as a result of their parents’ divorce or separation, mostly cannot adopt social life among peers at school because of either their low self-esteem or aggressive behaviours. Therefore, Nordplus project “Methods of working with children to overcome parental divorce” (NPJR-2020/10280) is initiated and implemented by five different organizations from four Nordic-Baltic countries: Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Sweden.
The aim of this project – to prepare teachers to provide understanding and support to children and to help them deal with divorce, anxiety and frustration
The main outcome – a methodology for using informal activities to work with children to overcome divorce or separation.
Methodology for using informal activities “Methods of working with children to overcome parental divorce”
Policy recommendation to help children overcome their parents’ divorce
A case study of how children cope with parental divorce and the problems it creates
Questionnaires in:
Countries reports
Final report
Partners presentations
Local activities
Project visibility